by Asma bint Shameem
Most of this amazing month of forgiveness, mercy and blessings is already gone. Today is yet another day.... š Ibn al-Jawzi said: "When the race horse knows that it is nearing the END of the track, it EXERTS ALL of its EFFORT to WIN the race. Do not allow the race horse to be MORE CLEVER than you. For verily, deeds are judged by their CONCLUSIONS. So if you didn't do well with welcoming Ramadhaan then perhaps you will do BETTER bidding it FAREWELL." With each NEW day we have YET ANOTHER CHANCE to ask for forgiveness..... Yet another chance to beg for Allaah's Mercy..... Yet another chance to earn His Pleasure.... Yet another chance to turn our life around. The last lap is the most important of all... The FINAL few steps are even MORE IMPORTANT than the first.... A strong finish can compensate for a flimsy start. Are you making every minute, EVERY SECOND count?