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”Yaum al-Mazeed”

Writer's picture: Asma Bint ShameemAsma Bint Shameem

by Asma bint Shameem

Did you know that Friday is also called “Yaum al-Mazeed” or “The Day of More”?

And why is that?

Well, there’s a very special reason for that.

It’s called Yaum al-Mazeed because not only will the believers enter Jannah and that itself is a tremendous, incomparable blessing, but the believers will ALSO be able to see their Rabb, their Master, their Creator, Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta’aala on Fridays!

Part of the belief of Ahl as-Sunnah wa’l-Jamaa‘ah is that the believers will see Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta’aala on the Day of Judgment and in Jannah.

🍃Allaah says:

“Some faces that Day shall be ‘Nadirah’ (shining and radiant).

Looking at their Lord (Allaah).” [al-Qiyaamah :22-23].

🍃 And Allaah says:

لَهُم مَّا يَشَاءُونَ فِيهَا وَلَدَيْنَا مَزِيدٌ

“There (in Jannah) they will have all that they desire, and We have “MAZEED” (“MORE” for them, i.e. a glance at the All-Mighty, All-Majestic)” [Qaaf 50:35]).’

🍃 Ali and Anas ibn Maalik radhi Allaahu anhumaa said: “What is meant by “more” here is looking upon the Face of Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta’aala.”

The people of Jannah will have a gathering with their Lord every Friday on which they will have the blessing of gazing upon His noble Countenance.

This is the “MAZEED” on that Day.

🍃 Allaah says:

“For those who have done good is the best reward and “EVEN MORE” (i.e. having the honor of glancing at the Countenance of Allaah)”

(Yunus 10:26)

🍃The Prophet ﷺ explained the above Aayah and said::

“When the people of Paradise enter Paradise, Allaah will say, ‘Do you want anything more?’

They will say, ‘Have You not brightened our faces, admitted us to Paradise and saved us from Hell?’

Then the veil will be lifted and they will not have seen anything more dear to them than looking upon their Lord, may He be glorified and exalted. This is what is meant by ‘EVEN MORE.’” Then he recited the (above) Aayah from Surah Yunus “

(Saheeh Muslim 266)

🍃 The Messenger of Allaah ﷺ

also said:

“Jibreel came to me with something like a white mirror in his hand, on which there was a black spot.

I said: ‘What is this, O Jibreel?’

He said: ‘This is Jumu‘ah (Friday); it is the master of days and we call it Yawm al-Mazeed (“the day of more”)

I said: ‘O Jibreel, what does “more” mean?’

He said:

‘That is because your Lord has allocated a valley in Paradise that is more fragrant than white musk.

When Friday comes, among the days in the Hereafter, the Lord, Subhaanahu wa Ta’aala, will descend from His Throne (‘Arsh) to His Kursiy, and the Kursiy will be surrounded with seats of light on which the Prophets will sit.

These seats will be surrounded with footstools of gold on which the martyrs will sit.

The people of the chambers will come down from the chambers and sit on sand hills of musk, and those who sit on the sand hills will not think that those who sit on the footstools and seats are any better off than them.

Then the Owner of Majesty and Honor will appear and say: ‘Ask of Me.’

They will say: ‘We ask for Your good pleasure, O Lord.’

He will say: ‘It is because I am pleased with you that you are in My Paradise, and you are honored.’

Then He will say (again): ‘Ask of Me.’

They will say all together: ‘We ask for Your good pleasure.’

He will ask them to testify that He is pleased with them.

Then He will say (once more): ‘Ask of Me,’ and they will ask of Him until each one of them is finished.

Then He will grant them that which no eye has seen, no ear has heard, and it has not crossed the mind of any human.”

(At-Tabaraani in al-Mu‘jam al-Kabeer 6717)

🍃 And in another narration, the Prophet ﷺ added:

“… there is nothing that they are more eager for than Friday; the more they gaze upon their Lord, the more they will increase in honor.”

(Ibn Abi’d-Dunya in Sifat al-Jannah 88; hasan by al-Albaani in Saheeh at-Targheeb, 3761)

Amazing, Subhaan Allaah!

Imagine the joy and blessing of being able to see Allaah, your Rabb!

The One you never saw...Yet you believed!

The One you made duaa to, the One you cried to and complained and poured your heart to.

The One you worshipped all these years, believing in Him without seeing Him.

The One Who knows each and every thing about you, your each secret, your every sin...

The One you hope will forgive you and grant you mercy....

And now on Fridays in Jannah, you get to see Him!

Allaahu Akbar!

There will be nothing more dear to you and nothing more honorable than “the best reward” in Jannah, and “MAZEED” (EVEN MORE)....

to gaze upon the Holy Countenance of the Lord of the heavens and the earth.

Isn’t this the greatest blessing that the Most Merciful will bestow upon you?

This is “Yaum al-Mazeed”

🍃 The Prophet ﷺ said:

“In Paradise there is a market to which they will come every Friday.

Then the north wind will blow and will blow on their faces and garments, and increase them in beauty. Then they will return to their families having increased in beauty and their families will say to them:

By Allaah, you have increased in beauty, and they will say:

By Allaah, you too have increased in beauty.” (Muslim 2833)

🍃 Al-Hasan said:

“They will look at their Lord and their faces will become radiant with His Light.”

🍃 Jareer ibn ‘Abd-Allaah radhi Allaahu anhu said

“We were sitting with the Prophet ﷺ looking at the moon on the night of the fourteenth (of the month).

He said, ‘You will see your Lord with your own eyes just as you are looking at this (moon), without any doubt that you are seeing Him.’”

(al-Bukhaari 6883; Saheeh Muslim 1002)

🍃 Abdullah ibn Mas‘ood radhi Allaahu anhu said:

“Hasten to Jumu‘ah, for verily Allaah will appear to the people of Jannah every Friday when they gather at a sand hill of camphor, and their closeness to Him will be commensurate with the degree to which they hastened to Jumu‘ah in this world.”

🍃 Ibn Taimiyyah said:

“Seeing Allaah in the Hereafter in general is connected to the congregational prayers.

If it was prescribed for people in this world to gather to remember Allaah, converse with Him, and find joy in meeting Him in prayer every Friday, then in the Hereafter they will be allocated a meeting every Friday to converse with Him, see Him and find joy in meeting Him.

If the Sunnah stated that the women should be enjoined to go out on ‘Eid, even those who remained in seclusion and those who were menstruating, and at the time of the Messenger of Allaah ﷺ most of the women went out on the Eid, their Eid in the Hereafter will include seeing Him, commensurate with their Eid in this world.”

(Majmoo‘ al-Fataawa, 6/420)

🍃 And Ibn al-Qayyim said:

“Friday is the day when the people of Jannah will receive the ever-increasing reward.

It is the day when they will see Allaah, the Exalted. Those who were the earliest to go to the masjid on Friday will be the first to receive this honor.

Thus, the nearest to Allaah were those nearest to the Imaam on Friday.

The residents of Jannah are eager for Friday, the day of “MAZEED”, due to the honor they will receive on that day.”

(Zaad Al-Ma’ad 1/59-65)

So strive HARD for that “Day of Mazeed”.

Hasten to the prayer every Friday, sit close to the Imaam and be eager to listen to him.

May Allaah make us among those who witness Yaum al-Mazeed.

And Allaah knows best.


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