by Asma bint Shameem
a) What kind of clothes?
Whatever you pack, keep in mind that it’s EXTREMELY HOT in Makkah and Madeenah BEYOND your imagination.
So I recommend light, loose breathable clothes of soft cotton.
I do NOT recommend silken or fancy clothes.
b) How many clothes to take?
The number of clothes to take for Hajj depends on the length of your stay in Saudi Arabia.
Take enough for the whole trip and FORGET about washing clothes there.
The dry cleaners are EXTREMELY busy and you won’t get your clothes back in time.
Besides, washing clothes in Mina is just a waste of time, waste of precious water and just plain old inconvenient, for everyone around.
c) Abayah for women
I very strongly recommend the sisters to wear abayas ALL the time, ANY time they’re out of their hotel rooms or tent.
The majority of the women are wearing abayas there and it looks really inappropriate that some sisters wear brightly colored clothes (especially the lawn’ shalwar kameez) with no abayah and end up attracting unnecessary attention to themselves.
You would need several abayas for this trip.
d) Hijaabs/scarves for the sisters
My sisters, remember that covering our hair and body is a Command from Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta’aala and it’s one of the FIRST things we will be asked about when we stand in front of our Rabb on the Day of Resurrection.
So make SURE you’re covered properly especially at Hajj.
I recommend cotton hijaabs/scarves and do NOT recommend scarves made of silky, slippery material.
Such scarves keep getting loose and undone and distract you from ibaadah and proper concentration.
And I want to gently remind those of my sisters who do not wear hijaab, that covering our hair and body is a COMMAND from Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta’aala.
So do take this command seriously and cover your hair properly especially when you’re at such a sacred place as the Haram.
For such sisters who’re not used to wearing hijaab, I would recommend the “pull-on one-piece” hijaab.
That’s all “one piece” that you pull over your head and it covers your head and neck and you don’t have to worry about it becoming “undone”, with your movements.
I recommend at least 10 hijaabs/scarves. You can also buy them there if you like.
e) SOCKS for the SISTERS
Dear sisters, the majority of the scholars say that women’s feet are awrah.
That is, they have to be covered.
So please wear socks for your ENTIRE Hajj trip.
Why take a chance with this journey of a lifetime and jeopardize your Hajj, by not wearing socks and leaving a part of your body that’s supposed to be covered, UNcovered.
It’s NOT worth it.
And wearing socks doesn’t make you any hotter. It’s hot ANYWAY.
I recommend thin black socks. But please make sure they’re not so thin that the color of your skin shows from underneath.
The brothers do not need to wear socks and actually it’s HARAAM for them to wear socks in the state of Ihraam.
Take shoes that are COMFORTABLE and EASY to walk around in.
I don’t recommend heels.
For the brothers ANY kind of open sandals, or flip flops will do for ihraam, as long as most of the foot and ankle bone are exposed.
Also pack a pair of sandals/flip flops that will not get ruined even if they get wet.
You’ll be using these in Mina for making wudhu, wearing them even in the shower, etc.
3. String backpack
Those backpacks are very light and close by pulling a string.
You’ll be using this backpack every time you go to the masjid to put your shoes in and even carry it on your back while making tawaaf.
4. Unscented soap/deodorant/lotion
You’ll need this while you’re in a state of ihraam.
You can buy unscented/fragrance-free bar soap. (Dove has fragrance free bar soaps)
But I recommend buying fragrance free BODY WASH instead of the bar soap. Bar soaps tend to get mushy and slimy after using them once and have a big chance of falling on the floor in that dirty bathroom in Mina (yuck!)
I personally buy liquid body wash and put it in smaller travel size plastic bottles (available at Walmart or Dollar store four for $1/-)
These bottles are so convenient, mess-free and easy to carry in your purse or pocket when you’re in a state of ihraam traveling to Makkah for your umrah or even at Mina.
Dove and Aveeno have a fragrance free body wash (again at Walmart and other places).
You do NOT have to buy fragrance free SHAMPOO. (You wouldn’t be needing it)
5. Sleeping bag if you’re planning to stay the night in Muzdalifah.
(I recommend staying the whole night in Muzdalifah for men AND women unless you’re sick, weak, elderly, traveling with kids, etc).
Some Hajj groups provide sleeping bags so check with your Hajj group.
6. Rehydration tablets/powders
It’s EXTREMELY hot and SO EASY to get dehydrated.
So take some sort of rehydration remedies like Gatorade, pedialyte, etc.
7. Spray bottle or hand held fan
I found some at Walmart, dollar store and Academy.
8. Personal toiletries including chapstick, miswaak, sunscreen.
9. Medications
a) Prescription medication:
Make sure you have enough to last the entire trip.
Do NOT pack your prescription medications in your check in luggage.
Keep them with you in your hand carry-on bags AT ALL TIMES.
b) Non-prescription drugs are easily available there and there are pharmacies all over the place but I recommend taking some basic medications like Advil or Tylenol, anti-diarrhea medication, etc
Don’t forget to pack Anti GAS medicine so you can take it especially before you do your Tawaaf of Umrah and Tawaaf of Hajj to help curb gas and maintain wudhu.
(Refer to my lecture)
c) SISTERS, please make sure you have ENOUGH of the pills that you’re taking to prevent your period to last the whole trip.
10. Hand sanitizer
11. Umbrella
12. Sunglasses
13. Personal Mus-haf/Dua Book if you prefer
14. Towel/sheet etc IF your Hajj group is not providing these. Please call them and ask.
a) You should also have one small carry-on EACH for Mina.
Husband and wife CAN NOT share because there would be SEPARATE tents for the brothers and sisters in Mina.
b) You’ll be in Mina from the 8th of Dhul Hijjah until the 12th or 13th, depending on your specific program.
So pack accordingly.
I recommend the following:
-3 to 4 sets of clothes,
-at least 3 abayas (for my sisters),
-water-proof sandals/slippers
-fragrance free soap, deodorant and lotion/moisturizer
- REGULAR shampoo/conditioner
- other toiletries
-personal medications,
-fragrance free sunscreen,
-spray bottle/fan,
-Dua book/Mus-haf,
-string backpack,
-rehydration tablets,
-sleeping bag (if you’re staying the night at Muzdalifah, and of your travel agency is not providing you with one,
-small amount of money.
May Allaah make it easy for all Hujjaaj and grant them Hajj Mabroor.
Please feel free to share ALL my articles so people can benefit.
It’s sadaqah jaariyah for you and me.
And Allaah knows best