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Should I offer congratulations for the new Islaamic year?

Writer's picture: Asma Bint ShameemAsma Bint Shameem

by Asma bint Shameem

🔺There's NO PROOF from the practice of the Prophet Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam or the Sahaabah that they would congratulate each other for the new islaamic year or 'celebrate' it in any way.

🔺In fact, the Islaamic calendar was made by the Sahaabah for HISTORY PURPOSES and for recording their actions; NOT for celebrating or commemorating it in any way.

🍃Shaikh al-Fawzaan said:

“This is an innovation, congratulating for the new year, it is an innovation;

or commanding of fasting or charity [for the purpose of the new year] ALL of this is innovation.

Allaah has not revealed evidence upon it”

[Al-Muntaqa min Akhbaar Sayyid al-Mursaleen – 39]

🍃 Dr. Bilal Philips said:

“‎Neither Prophet Muhammad Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam, nor his righteous companions attached any special tradition to a new Islamic year.

It is a sacred month to increase in righteous acts, not rowdy celebrations.

To stray from this understanding is a form of innovation.”

🍃 And he said:

“What is there to celebrate of a year that has passed - becoming a year closer to the grave?

Unless your reflection is on the good deeds that you sent up to Allaah during the past year so that Allaah might have mercy on you on the Day of Judgment!

That would be more meaningful.”

In other words, the first day of the new year is a NORMAL day, just like any other day.

No need to “celebrate” it.

No need to think it’s “special”.

❓ What if someone congratulates me? Then what❓

You can respond in kind words and duaas but you should NOT be the one initiating it.

🍃 Shaikh ibn ul-Uthaymeen said:

“If someone congratulates you then reply (i.e. make dua that Allaah makes it a good and blessed year), but do not do it yourself (i.e. do not begin it yourself by congratulating someone initially)….

I do not know that our pious predecessors used to congratulate each other for the arrival of the new year of Hijra…”

[Silsilatul Liqaa as-Shahry 20/44; via Sahab]

🍃 Imaam Ahmad said:

“I do not initiate the greeting but if someone greets me I return the greeting, because responding to the greeting is obligatory."

🔺Are there any specific prayers to be read for the New year?


There’s nothing proven from the Prophet sal Allaahu Alayhi wa sallam or the Sahaabah that they read any special rak’aat or prayers or duaas for the new year. NEVER.

🍃Someone asked Shaikh Saalim Baamihriz about reading two rak’aat at New year.

He said:

“May Allaah bless you, this is from innovation, misguidance, and superstition which has no basis in the religion.

O brother, may Allaah bless you, the prayer is not legislated for these things.

The prayer is either obligatory and legislated or a Sunnah which the Messenger, clarified; upon him be prayers and peace.

As for making the prayer to be for the commencement of the year and to conclude the year, or to commence the day, or to conclude the day this is from the deviation of those who are astray and leading others astray; and every innovation is misguidance and every misguidance is in the fire.

When the people distanced themselves from the Book and the Sunnah they fell into these innovations.

Akhee, had it been the Hijrī year, it would've been innovation and misguidance, so what do you think regarding the Gregorian year?!

Have Taqwa of Allaah, may Allaah bless you and beware of these innovations.

The Muslim must worship Allaah in every instance, at all times, either by way of a legislative obligation or a clearly defined Sunnah known from the Prophet Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam.

As for these innovations and misguidance which the ignorant, astray commoners introduce, beware of these deviations may Allaah bless you.

By Allaah, I am amazed that in a time in which knowledge is wide spread, the Sunnah is wide spread, and the people know the truth from falsehood, that there are people still upon these deviations and innovations.

Whenever and innovation is born a Sunnah dies.

So have Taqwa of Allaah.

This is from the innovations which pass upon the people every year. Every month they have an innovation; every year they have an innovation; in every condition they have an innovation.

Have Taqwa of Allaah, my brother. Acts of worship are only either obligatory or Sunan clarified by the Prophet, upon him be prayers and peace, and the pious predecessors. Leave off these innovations and stay far away from them.

Safeguard your religion and the safety of your Aqeedah and the Sunnah. May Allaah bless you, and Allaah’s Aid is sought.”

And Allaah knows best


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