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In Ramadhaan, the Beginning is Mercy, the Middle is Forgiveness & the End Ransom from the Fire true?

Writer's picture: Asma Bint ShameemAsma Bint Shameem

by Asma bint Shameem

🌿 ANSWER🌿 That is not the correct understanding regarding this blessed, BLESSED month. Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta’aala’s Bounty is immense, immeasurable and limitless. The WHOLE, ENTIRE month of Ramadhaan is FULL of Mercy and Forgiveness and His Favors. And He Subhaan Allaah ransoms whoever He wants from the Fire EVERY SINGLE DAY of this beautiful month; not just in the last ten days... And as for making specific duaas during this time, we CAN NOT limit a certain time or place or number or manner to a certain act of ibaadah UNLESS there’s PROOF of that from the Qur’aan or authentic Sunnah. 🔺❓But isn’t there a hadeeth about the month of Ramadhaan divided into three parts❓ The hadeeth about the month of Ramadhaan divided into three ‘parts’ or ‘asharah’ is WEAK. 🔺❓So what’s a ‘weak’ hadeeth❓ A weak hadeeth, simply put, means that it’s highly DOUBTFUL that the Prophet sal Allaahu Alayhi wa sallam EVER SAID THAT or DID THAT or EVER APPROVED of that. So if it’s something doubtful, why do it? Didn’t the Prophet sal Allaahu Alayhi wa sallam himself tell us: “Leave that which makes you doubt for that which does not make you doubt, for truth leads to reassurance and lies lead to uncertainty.” (at-Tirmidhi - saheeh by al-Albaani). The ONLY hadeeth that is AUTHENTICALLY narrated about a SPECIFIC duaa In Ramadhaan is what the Prophet sal Allaahu Alayhi wa sallam taught Aaishah radhi Allaahu anhaa. Our Mother Aa’ishah radhi Allaahu anhaa said: “I said, ‘O Messenger of Allaah, if I know which night is Laylat al-Qadr, what should I say on that night?’ He said: Say: "اللهم إنك عفو تحب العفو فاعف عني” “Allaahumma innaka ‘afuwwun tuhibb al-‘afwa fa’affu ‘anni “ "O Allaah, You are forgiving and You love forgiveness, so forgive me.” (at-Tirmidhi - saheeh by al-Albaani) So go ahead and make all the Duaas you want in this month, THROUGHOUT this blessed month, without limiting or restricting it to certain parts or ‘asharah’. Remember, with Allaah lie the TREASURES of the Heavens and Earth. His Bounties are PLENTY... His Mercy...LIMITLESS... His Forgiveness... UNSURMOUNTABLE... And Allaah knows best.


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