by Asma Bint Shameem When the world was full of darkness and oppression He worshipped his One Lord in seclusion Away from all idols, away from all deity In Cave Hiraa he was chosen…..for you and me As he propagated the Message True, Not many believed him but a few He faced torture, persecution and agony Yet he endured it….for you and me They mocked him, they cursed him, a madman they called him, With money they even tried to buy him, They threw on him intestines and garbage so filthy, But, he patiently persisted…..for you and me A heart full of hope, he turned to another place, Maybe they will believe in him; his was a familiar face But they stoned him, and pelted him with debris At Taif, he bled…..for you and me Such atrocity! The Heavens shook, the Earth cried He could have easily had them destroyed Yet he forgave them. If he didn’t, we wouldn’t be For they were the ancestors…..for you and me. In the Night of Israa, his Lord honored him, Up to the Seven Heavens He called him When the Order came for Prayers Fifty Ya Rabb, five. He pleaded…..for you and me For thirteen years he spread Islaam Teaching them the basics of Imaan Yet they didn’t understand; their hearts were empty So to Madina he migrated ….for you and me. They tried to stop him, but his Message was unstoppable They tried to suppress him, but the Truth was inevitable He brought to the world, peace and equality He spread the Light….for you and me He was truthful, upright, kind and compassionate He was humble, noble, brave and so gallant Kindness was his message even to his enemy Such was his teaching….for you and me. He was Allaah’s Beloved, his sins were forgiven, But he worshipped all night till his feet were swollen, Not for his own self concerned was he He prayed all night….for you and me It was his Ummah that was the cause of his worry His eyes would turn red, his beard so teary Our Hereafter was his anxiety He shed his tears…..for you and me He came to perfect good manners, his was the perfect example Quran was his character, so noble was his sample He was sent to all creation as a mercy He is the Best….for you and me. If we follow his Sunnah, uphold his Way We will succeed surely on that Day No more tiredness, no more thirsty He will wait at Kauther….for you and me. When all other Prophets will turn away Ummati, Ummati is what he will say “Forgive them, Ya Allaah!”, will be his plea He will intercede….for you and me. And now they try, as they tried once before To defame and slander him, but one thing’s for sure They will NEVER, EVER succeed, for undoubtedly He is the highest with the Almighty. Look at what he did for you, look how much he loved you The big question is: what are YOU going to do? STAND UP AND DEFEND HIM, YA UMMATI! The time is NOW….. for you and me. But don’t lose perspective, in a moment of passion Remember to behave in an Islamic fashion Don’t respond to evil with violence and cruelty That’s what he said…..to you and me.