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What to do with beggars?

Writer's picture: Asma Bint ShameemAsma Bint Shameem

by Asma bint Shameem Begging unnecessarily is haraam.


Qabeesah ibn Mukhaariq al-Hilaali radhi Allaahu anhu


“I incurred a debt (in order to reconcile between two parties) and I came to the Messenger of Allaah Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam to ask him (for help) with it.

He said:

“Stay with us until the zakaah comes, and we will order that something be given to you.”

Then he said:

“O Qabeesah, asking for help is not permissible except in one of three cases:

1️⃣ a man who has incurred a debt (in order to reconcile between two parties), for whom it is permissible to ask for help until he has paid it off, then he should refrain;

2️⃣ a man who has been stricken by a calamity that has destroyed all his wealth, for whom it is permissible to ask for help until he gets enough to get by – or he gets enough to meet his basic needs;

3️⃣ and a man who is stricken by poverty and three men of wisdom among his people acknowledge that So and so has been stricken by poverty, then it becomes permissible for him to ask for help until he gets enough to get by – or to meet his basic needs.

Apart from these cases asking for help, O Qabeesah, is haraam and the one who begs is consuming something haraam.”

(Muslim and others)

🍃And the Prophet sal Allaahu Alayhi wa sallam said:

"The person keeps on begging until he comes on the Day of Resurrection with a face without any bit of flesh." (Muslim)

🍃And he said:

“Whoever asks of people to accumulate wealth (meaning he doesn’t really need it) is asking for a live coal”

(al-Bukhaari, Muslim)

So it’s obvious that unnecessarily asking people for money or anything else is not allowed.

The people we see on the streets in Pakistan, India, Saudi etc are not poor people who’re in need of money.

Rather, the vast majority of them are professional beggars that prey on the compassion and mercy of innocent people who want to help the poor, out of fear of Allaah and they don’t want to turn the “Saa’il” away.

Such people do not deserve our money or even our sympathies.

They have made begging a profession and are too lazy to go out and work for a halaal living.

We shouldn’t be giving such people anything because if we do give them money, we’re indirectly encouraging them to continue this evil.

🍃Allaah says:

وَتَعَاوَنُوا عَلَى الْبِرِّ وَالتَّقْوَىٰ وَلَا تَعَاوَنُوا عَلَى الْإِثْمِ وَالْعُدْوَانِ وَاتَّقُوا اللَّهَ إِنَّ اللَّهَ شَدِيدُ الْعِقَابِ

“Help you one another in Al-Birr and At-Taqwa (virtue, righteousness and piety); but do not help one another in sin and transgression.

And fear Allaah.

Verily, Allaah is Severe in punishment.”

(Surah al-Ma’edah:2)

🍃And Allaah says:

مَّن يَشْفَعْ شَفَاعَةً حَسَنَةً يَكُن لَّهُ نَصِيبٌ مِّنْهَا وَمَن يَشْفَعْ شَفَاعَةً سَيِّئَةً يَكُن لَّهُ كِفْلٌ مِّنْهَا وَكَانَ اللَّهُ عَلَىٰ كُلِّ شَيْءٍ مُّقِيتًا

“Whosoever intercedes for a good cause will have the reward thereof, and whosoever intercedes for an evil cause will have a share in its burden.

And Allaah is Ever All-Able to do (and also an All-Witness to) everything.“

(Surah an-Nisaa:85)

🔹 Another point

If you don’t give these beggars any money, and they start cursing you, it’s nothing to worry about.

When they curse you, they’re not harming you at all.

Actually they’re cursing their own selves.

That’s because they’re not upon the Haqq in their demands and they have no right to ask you of your money unless they are really in need.

And that’s not much likely.

🍃The Messenger of Allaah Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam said:

“Verily, when a servant curses something, the curse rises to the heaven and the gates of heaven close upon it.

It turns right and left and if it does not find a place to go, it will return to that which was cursed only if it deserved to be curse; otherwise the curse will return upon the one who made it.”

(Abu Dawood- Hasan by al-Albaani )

🍃And Ali ibn Abi Talib radhi Allaahu anhu said:

“Those who curse others are themselves cursed.” (Al-Adab Al-Mufrad- hasan)

So unless it seems to you that they’re genuine and deserving of your help, you shouldn’t be giving them any money.

And don’t worry about their duaas against you.

It can’t harm you because you’re not doing anything wrong.

Instead of giving to these charlatan beggars, help your own poor relatives before anyone else.

Give sadaqah to those who’re truly deserving of your money.

Or donate to a reliable organization.

And Allaah knows best


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