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Ever wonder WHY it’s Sunnah to read Surah al-Kahf again and again every Friday? ( Part 4)

Writer's picture: Asma Bint ShameemAsma Bint Shameem

by Asma bint Shameem (Continued from last week) 🔺 LESSON FOUR: Trial of POWER Last week we learnt that the reason why we are supposed to read Surah every week is to repeatedly remind ourselves that Allaah will test us with the blessings of Faith, Wealth and Knowledge. Another blessing that Allaah will test us with is the blessing of POWER. And that’s mentioned in the next story of Dhul-Qarnayn. Dhul-Qarnayn was powerful king and leader who Allaah had blessed with knowledge, might, authority..... basically everything necessary to become a conqueror and ruler of the world. Yet, all that power, all that might, all those blessings did not corrupt him. Instead he established the sovereignty of Allaah upon earth wherever he went and shouldered the responsibility of a ruler with Fairness, Justice and Wisdom. Dhul-Qarnayn ruled with the Laws of Allaah and rewarded those who did good and punished the bad. At the same time, he was also kind, and caring and protected the weak and oppressed against their transgressors. And when they offered him monetary help, he refused and was not greedy. Rather, he humbly associated all his successes with Allaah and recognized that power and authority come from Allaah Alone. 🔺Lessons learnt🔺 🍃1. Never let power corrupt you. Even if the whole world is under your control, always... always refer your blessings back to Allaah. Your position, your authority, your control... it’s all a test. A test to see how you behave, how you react, who you turn to. Always remember, it’s only Allaah that gave you this position, this power. And just like He gave it to you, He can also take it away whenever He wants. So be humble as Dhul-Qarnayn was humble. And say... Alhamdulillaah. 🍃2. Just like Dhul-Qarnayn, every single one of us plays a leadership role in one setting or another. The Prophet sal Allaahu Alayhi wa sallam said: “Each of you is a shepherd and each of you is responsible for his flock.” (al-Bukhaari, Muslim) Meaning we all are ‘leaders’ in our own way, in our own little settings and have responsibilities that we’ll be held accountable for in front of Allaah. Are we fulfilling those responsibilities that Allaah has placed on us as ‘shepherds’ over our ‘flock’? Are we keeping Allaah’s Laws in mind when dealing with them? Are we kind and caring to the people under our care? Do we treat them fairly? As parents, are we fulfilling the rights of our children? Are we giving them an Islaamic upbringing? Tnese questions apply to all who are in a ‘leadership’ a husband, a teacher, an employer, a business owner, a doctor.... The list goes on. 🍃3. Always do your best to help out whenever you can. Be it the weak and oppressed or someone in need. Or someone in your family. Or even a complete stranger. If you’re in a position to help them and solve their problem, then do so. The Prophet sal Allaahu Alayhi wa sallam said: “The Muslim is the brother of his fellow Muslim; he does not wrong him or let him down. The one who meets the needs of his brother, Allaah will meet his needs. Whoever relieves a Muslim of distress, Allaah will relieve him of distress on the Day of Resurrection.” (al-Bukhaari, Muslim) 🍃4. Always be Fair and judge by Allaah’s Laws Always rule by Allaah’s Rules when dealing with your spouse, kids, parents, families, employees, students, colleagues, neighbors. Be fair and just. Always do the right thing. Do that which pleases Allaah and stay away from what displease Him. These are only some of the morals we learn from this beautiful story. Remember these and other lessons when you read al-Kahf every Friday. Get inspired by Dhul-Qarnayn’s pious commitment to Allaah’s Commands. Learn from this legendary king by striving to emulate his personal qualities of humility, compassion, self-control and his sincere dedication to justice. 🌷After all, there’s a reason why it’s Sunnah to repeat it every Friday🌷


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